Saturday, August 1, 2009

Stevens Point Suzuki Camp

The whole family went to Suzuki Institute at Stevens Point this year! This was my first time attending as a parent and not a trainee so the experience was so much different for me. I very much enjoy watching great teachers teach so I feel like I missed out on something since I couldn't do that this time. However, the boys had a great time and we spent an entire week just hanging out together. Maybe next year I can find another adult to go with us so I can take classes.

Dylan and Nathan were in the same pretwinkle class even though Dylan is playing cello and Nathan is playing violin. Miss Carol with her quiet and caring style obviously embraces the Suzuki spirit and we were so lucky to get her as our teacher. Each day the boys had a private lesson, a music and movement class and a group lesson. The rest of the day is filled with recitals, concerts, play-ins, lectures and talent shows. Good stuff!

Nathan's beautiful bow hold!
Dylan and the cello bow!
Nathan takes a bow.

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